Mantis Style

Mantis Style

Friday, August 16, 2013

It rubs the lotion on it's skin**...

I just want to start this one by explaining a excerpt from my first installment. I had made the comment that to be successful in Hospitality, you need to be an verbal artist. Not that this statement isn't true, its just flawed. To clear up the vaigeness of this statement, I wish to put depth to it. "Personal Investment". I been bringing my kids to work with me on occasion, since my Hannah was a little bean, and recently she has described my interaction with patrons and coworkers as GENUINE. She puts it that I seem truly happy to interact with everyone, and take interest in their personal lives. This is true. I tend to make it a point to learn names and at least 2 things about that person. I feel it connects me on a deeper level and allows me to better serve. Which is a good spring board into the true "meat" of this post... Motivation.
How do you properly motivate and inspire those around you to do the things you need from them. I have found, as I'm sure most have, that there is no clear cut answer. Torture? Favoritism? Apathy? Unreal expectation? Putting them in the bottom of a well? 

In every walk of life, we've seen it done a hundred different ways, but that doesn't mean there isn't one specific way that you can drive exceptional productivity with morality and humility. 
In my first session at the amazing, Rutgers University (shout out), a insightful man introduce me to the term, Servant Leadership. What an exceptional ideal. An ideal which I had been attempting to utilize, but never understood. It is the idea that "you" the managing body, do the best you can to accommodate those beneath you to draw out the most of every employee. To feed off and play to each persons specific talent. "Leadership is an Art" by Max DePree, is a wonderful book that explains just that. That the Greenskeeper is not just that, but maybe an artist or a musician. The flaw of any leader is to treat these people as just a job title and not as a human being with hopes, dreams, and aspirations to be something greater. I find one of the most rewarding parts about life in general, is the opportunity to meet a whole gambit of different people. To not want to know why they are who they are is a travesty. Even the most annoying guy has at least one good story, and the best part is after the mutant tells it, you know exactly why you think they're so annoying. 
I promise, soon I will get to a post that is more about turf than my opinions on the human side of the business. Or I'll write about pink dragons and one legged sprinters if I want, and you know what, somebody will read it and love it!! 
You better read my blog my friend, or else you'll get the hose again**...
Thanks again my friends!! Love you all... 

**Special concideration to the actor Ted Levine, director Jonathan Demme, novelist Thomas Harris, an screenplay by Ted Talley... Amazing Movie/Novel!**

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